Chair of Biochemistry

Controlled Release Society Germany Local Chapter Meeting 2012


The Controlled Release Society (CRS) Germany Local Chapter Meeting 2012 is hosted by the Chair of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmacy at the University of Würzburg. The meeting will be held on 29th and 30th of March 2012 at the Hörsaal- und Seminargebäude, Hubland Campus.

Würzburg - Käppele (Photo: Roland Bergmann, public domain)

For more information and agenda of the meeting please see the flyer below.




Please use the following form to register. The completed form should be sent to schneid[at] as pdf file (preferred) or scan.
Please note that student members, ordinary members and supportive members (with voting rights) will be waived the registration fee for the 2012 annual meeting if the membership fee for 2012 was already paid. We will have a list of members and their fee status present at the registration desk. In this case please check "Conference fee will be paid with registration at the conference" on the registration form.

Registration Form



To submit your abstract, please use the form below. The form may be sent to schneid[at] as pdf file (preferred) or scan. Abstracts may be submitted prior to registration. The submission of an abstract is not regarded as a binding statement of participation in the conference.

The submission deadline for abstracts was extended to March, 9th 2012!

You will be informed about acceptance of your abstract as well as about selection for oral presentation on March, 12th 2012 by E-Mail.

Submit an abstract


Travel information

The meeting will be held at the Hubland Campus in Würzburg. A general overview of the location of the Hubland Campus can be found here. A situation plan of the Hubland Campus with the Institute for Pharmacy and Food Chemistry and the Hörsaal- und Seminargebäude can be found here. Information on how to reach Hubland Campus and the Institute for Pharmacy and Food Chemistry can be found here.


Accomodation in Wuerzburg

Tagungs- und Gästehaus Schönstattzentrum

Josef-Kentenich-Weg 1
97074 Wuerzburg
Phone: +49 931 70567-0
E-mail: info[at]


Hotel Alter Kranen ***

Krämergasse 11
97070 Wuerzburg
Phone: +49 931 3518-0
E-mail: mail[at]


Maritim Hotel Wuerzburg ****

Pleichertorstrasse 5
97070 Wuerzburg
Phone: +49 931 3053-0
E-Mail: info.wur[at]


Tourist Information Wuerzburg

Tourist Information
Phone: +49 931 372398


We would like to thank our sponsors:


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